International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

222 Chapter 3

independence from the Ottoman Empire, grew weary of what it perceived to be
lawless activity in Greece. Another British subject had part of his land seized by
King Otto for his palace gardens, and British soldiers in the Ionian Islands (then
British territory) complained of being harassed by Greek officials. The sum total
of these grievances caused Lord Palmerston, foreign secretary, to take unilateral
action against Greece, amidst further fears that France was conspiring with Greece
to Britain’s detriment.
In 1850, British ships were deployed to the region and commenced detaining all
Greek ships in their surroundings. They eventually blockaded Piraeus, a vital port for
Athens. The British issued a demand for the Greek government to relent to compensa-
tion for all these grievances, or otherwise face further punitive action from the British.
The Greeks tried to seek assurances from France and Russia, who were also important
players in the War of Greek Independence. However, diplomatic efforts by the French
with the English in London gave way to a successful settlement of the dispute short
of conflict.
The agreement called for the Greeks to pay 8,500 pounds sterling to be divided
among the various claimants and that they were to pay Don Pacifico whatever was
afforded to him by the Portuguese (Pacifico claimed that his Portuguese grievance
papers were destroyed by the mob). Eventually, Pacifico was partially compensated.
Coding changes: End Date changed from April 27, 1850.


Started in January 1854. See the narrative in the 350 Greece/640 Turkey dyad dispute


Dispute Number: 9 6
Date(s): May 8, 1886 to June 6, 1886
Participants: 200 United Kingdom, 255 Germany, 300 Austria-Hungary, 325 Italy,
365 Russia/350 Greece
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: This dispute began when a new Greek government took power with the
goal of extracting territorial concessions from the Ottomans. The Ottomans mobilized
their forces, several clashes took place, and Greece responded with renewed threats
of attack. The Great Powers intervened and blockaded Greece, preventing additional
Coding changes: Start Date changed from April 26, 1886. End Date changed from
June 7, 1886.


Dispute Number: 5 6
Date(s): March 2, 1897 to September 21, 1897

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