International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

Europe 225

Participants: 200 United Kingdom/365 Russia
Outcome (and Settlement): Victory for side B (None)
Fatalities: 101–250 deaths
Narrative: This dispute describes actions by the British “Dunsterforce,” approxi-
mately 1,500 British troops under the command of General Lionel Dunsterville. In
this action the British moved to seize the Baku oil fields, denying their use by both
Bolshevik Russians and the Germans. Britain also hoped to forestall an Ottoman-
German invasion of India. The adventure did not go well for the British. Indeed, they
lost almost 20 percent of their forces in the initial Battle of Baku in September 1918.
Britain recaptured Baku in November 1918 and clashes with Soviet-backed forces
continued into 1920.
Coding changes: Fatalities changed from Missing.


Started in November 1918. See the narrative in the 365 Russia/366 Estonia dyad
dispute list.


Started in January 1919. See the narrative in the 365 Russia/367 Latvia dyad dispute


Dispute Number: 2364
Date(s): March 1920 to June 27, 1920
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/365 Russia
Outcome (and Settlement): Victory for side B (None)
Fatalities: Missing
Narrative: The British Black Sea fleet was stationed at Sevastopol, supporting
Russian general and head of the White Army, Pyotr Wrangel, as he organized the
remnants of his and General Denikin’s troops to fight the Red Army.
The British Cabinet instructed Admiral John de Roebeck, commander of Black
Sea forces, to give protection to Wrangel’s army on April 18, but under no condition
was he to land troops in the area. The British withdrew their support after Wrangel
launched an attack of the Crimean Peninsula on June 7. The last remaining British
ships and personnel left the area on June 27.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from February 1920. End Date changed from
April 6, 1920. Outcome changed from Victory for side B.


Started in May 1920. See the narrative in the 365 Russia/630 Iran dyad dispute list.

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