International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

236 Chapter 3

issued a warning to the Soviet Union that they were holding the Soviets responsible
for the health of the pilot and demanded his release.
The pilot was released on June 21 and the plane was released nine days later.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from June 2, 1958.

211 Belgium/345 Yugoslavia


Started in July 1992. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/345 Yugo-
slavia dyad dispute list.


Started in February 1998. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/345
Yugoslavia dyad dispute list.


Started in February 2000. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/345
Yugoslavia dyad dispute list.


Started in November 2000. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/345
Yugoslavia dyad dispute list.

211 Belgium/365 Russia


Dispute Number: 2612
Date(s): July 31, 1960
Participants: 365 Russia/211 Belgium
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side A (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: The Soviet Union threatened Belgium, demanding that their troops be
removed from the Congo. The Soviets also accused NATO members who had for-
merly been colonialist powers of encouraging and supporting those same Belgian
troops in the Congo. Although, the text of the Soviet threat only specified that “reso-
lute measures” would be taken to “rebuff” the Belgians in the Congo, the language
was clearly understood by the international community as a threat to use militarized
Coding changes: Outcome changed from Yield by side A.


Started in April 1999. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/365 Russia dyad
dispute list.

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