the Forum Foto "Happy" Project ••• December 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1
© 2023 KMeOO +aJeOLQ


Stone and Water!

1ature makes me happy. 1ot only in the profounG calming Zay but also making me smile. It is abunGant

detailed and noisy so when I find a bit that is more simple and stylized it is extra fun. This is part of a

stone meets water shoreline of my home naturetype. This is stone but looks soft anyway. At first the

straight piece of shadow bothered me but now I think it is an important integrated part accentuating the

overall Furveness +appy Fomes in many forms Ŋ in this Fase formed Ey the great rivers of the last iFeage

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