the Forum Foto "Happy" Project ••• December 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1

©2018 Martin Woolnough

This picture still makes me happy every time I see it. Taken in September 2018 while walking the backstreets of the
'tailors' sector in the old part of Istanbul. I came across these half mannequins dumped out on the pavement.
Unusually for me, I sat down patiently to see if I could capture the reaction of passers by. After about 15 minutes
or so this man came out of the workshop door behind him for a cigarette. He first glared over at me with an
inquisative look and a frown and you could see him asking himself why some foreigner was sitting on a doorstep
oppopsite taking photos in his Girection Then he lookeG siGeways anG saw what , was interesteG in anG
spontaneously had a big grin when he understood. It was like the punchline to a visual joke hitting his brain.

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