the Forum Foto "Happy" Project ••• December 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1

© 2023 Roger Lee Schliefert

Although it’s not a technically perfect photo, it brings me a personal smile for a couple of reasons.
The main reason is that 6oda is the Ɠrst dog IōYe had in oYer Ɠfteen years, a pet that has become a family
member, and she doesn’t disappoint with her intelligence and unique personality.
.eeping that smile going is the pleasure Iōve been getting Zith the neZly acTuireG lens that took this
picture. It responds perfectly to the animal eye focus and with the wide aperture razor thin focus and a small
depth of field. Two traits with a lens that I’ve never fully experienced at the same time before.

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