A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

(ff) #1

Goths And Gothic Identity In The Ostrogothic Kingdom 229

pause. Being wrong about that is substantially different from being wrong
about the metre in a line of Vergil. One need only exchange the Goths with
a modern-day ethnic group, embattled by a more powerful imperial state, to
appreciate its rather pronounced ramifications. A certain degree of caution
and circumspection is in order in future consideration of these questions.
If it can be accepted that Goths thought themselves to be Gothic and that
Gothicness was influenced by Roman culture, questions about Gothic iden-
tity can begin to move away from the “did it exist?” variety. Instead, we might
ask: what did it look like? Or, in what ways was Gothicness substantially dif-
ferent from Romanness? These sorts of questions allow us more accurately to
assess the cultural transitions that characterized the end of the Roman period
and the dawn of the Middle Ages.


Primary Sources
Anagnosticum regis, ed. T. Mommsen (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores
Antiquissimi 12), Berlin 1894.
Anonymus Valesianus, ed. and trans. J. Rolfe, Ammianus Marcellinus, vol. 3 (Loeb
Classical Library), Cambridge, MA 1952.
Cassiodorus, Variae, ed. T. Mommsen, Cassiodorus Senatoris Variae (Monumenta
Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 12), Berlin 1894; ed. Ǻ Fridh, Magni
Aurelii Cassiodori Senatoris Opera 1 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 96),
Turnhout 1973; trans. S. Barnish, Cassiodorus: Variae, Liverpool 1992.
Ennodius, Vita Epiphanii, ed. F. Vogel, Magni Felicis Ennodi Opera (Monumenta
Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 7), Berlin 1885; trans. G. Cook, The Life
of Saint Epiphanius by Ennodius, Washington, D.C. 1942.
——— , Panegyricus dictus clementissimo regi Theoderico, ed. and trans. C. Rohr, Der
Theoderich-Panegyricus des Ennodius (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Studien
und Texte 12), Hannover 1995; ed. and trans. S. Rota, Magno Felici Ennodio: Panegirico
del Clementissimo Re Teoderico, Rome 2002.
Evagrius, Historia Ecclesiastica, ed. J. Bidez/L. Parmentier, The Ecclesiastical History of
Evagrius with the Scholia, London 1898; trans. M. Whitby, The Ecclesiatical History
of Evagrius Scholasticus, Liverpool 2000.
Fredegar, Chronica, ed. B. Krusch (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores Rerum
Merovingicarum 2), Hannover 1888.
John of Antioch, fragmenta, ed. and trans. (Italian) U. Roberto, Ionnis Antiocheni
Fragmenta ex Historia Chronica (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der
altchristlichen Literatur 154), Berlin 2005.

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