A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

(ff) #1

474 Lizzi Testa

of reconciliation with the injured party to the bishops accused by their faith-
ful because the alleged misdeeds were so obvious that they did not to require
a trial, and sometimes not even a review of the evidence. The solution was
indicated in the preamble of the letters and in their conclusions. And if they
had not acted accordingly, the king would have passed judgement personally.115
It does not appear, therefore, that Theoderic conceded to bishops powers
that imperial laws had never granted, but that he required the collaboration
of the church when it or its faithful had violated the official law because he
was convinced that a holy clergy could act to restore the violated rights more
quickly. In this sense, not much had changed since Constantine, but everything
would have been different with an eastern emperor and without a local king
capable of passing judgement with his secular court. The warp woven with an
old weft and some new threads gave way to a new weft interwoven with only
few old threads. At the end of the Gothic age a new era had begun and with it
a new Christianity.


Primary Sources
Acta Synhodorum habitarum Romae CCCCXCVIIII. DI. DII., ed. T. Mommsen, Cassiodori
Senatoris Variae (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 12),
Berlin 1894.
Agnellus, Liber Pontificalis, ed. C. Nauerth, Agnellus von Ravenna: Liber pontificalis /
Bischofsbuch, Freiburg 1996.
Ambrose, De officiis, Patrologia Latina, vol. 16.
——— , Epistulae, ed. M. Zelzer (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
82.3), Vienna 1992.
Augustine, De Trinitate, ed. A. Trapé/M.F. Sciacca/G. Beschin, La Trinità, Rome 1973.
——— , Enarratio in Psalmos, ed. V. Tarulli, Sant’Agostino. Esposizioni sui salmi, vol. 2,
Rome 1970.
Caesarius of Arles, Testamentum, ed. A. de Vogüé/J. Courreau, Césaire d’Arles. Oeuvres
monastiques, vol. 1: Oeuvres pour les moniales (Sources Chrétiennes 345), Paris 1988.
Cassiodorus, Institutiones, ed. R.A.B. Mynors, Cassiodori Senatoris Institutiones, Oxford
——— , Variae, ed. A.J. Fridh, Magni Aurelii Cassiodori Variarum Libri XII (Corpus
Christianorum, Series Latina 96), Turnhout 1973; trans. T. Hodgkin, The Letters

115 Cass., Va r. 3.37, ed. Fridh, p. 123, lines 13–15.

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