A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

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544 Index

Laurentian schism 115, 131, 134, 144, 431,
435–36, 439, 442, 444, 462–64, 483, 512,
Monasticism 488–97
Nicene 1, 27, 113, 226, 239, 248, 378,
425–47, 451–74, 503–04, 513, 519, 525
patrimonium of the Church 428–29,
464–67, 438
Pelagianism 521–25
Secular politics of 441–46, 451–74
See of Rome 425–47
Theopaschite 445
Three Chapters controversy 38, 445–46,
tituli churches 429, 437, 439
church councils
Council of Agde 491
Council of Beziers 492
Council of Chalcedon 443, 491
Council of Epaone 491
Council of Milan 482, 484
Council of Orleans 491
Council of Serdica 428
Council of Vaison 491
churches (individual) 113–16, 248, 359–65,
Arian Baptistery, Ravenna 365, 518–19
Baptistery of St Stephen 465
Ca’Bianca 361
Ecclesia Gothorum 359
Hagia Sophia 384
Lateran 431
Holy Apostles, Constantinople 383
Holy Cross 112
Orthodox Baptistery, Ravenna 363, 365
S Eusebio, Ravenna 253, 361
S John Studios 362
S Lawrence 116
S Mary Chalkoprateia 362
S Paul, Rome 384, 428
S Peter, Rome 22, 121, 383–84, 428, 437,
442, 520
S Pietro in Orphanotrophio 359
S Stefano Rotondo 113
Saint Agatha 517
San Giovanni Evangelista 112, 367, 370
San Leucio 116, 384
San Severo in Classe 368
San Vitale 112, 384

Sant’Apollinare in Classe 361
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo 112, 240, 365, 367,
370, 518
Santo Spirito 361
SS Cosmas and Damian 113, 248, 384, 428
SS Sergius and Bacchus 384
Venafrana 508
Cicero 327
Cimitile 492
cities, see Italy
civilitas 26–27, 29, 39, 73, 77, 89, 156, 184,
220, 236, 238, 297, 455–56, 507
Civita di Bagno 486
Classe 240, 249, 254–55, 359
Clementius 353
Clothild 303
Clovis 29, 80, 302–03
Codex Argenteus 224
Colle S. Giovanni di Atri 410
Collectio Avellana 426
coloni, see rural life
Colosseum 352, 407
Colosseus 82–83, 89
comes archiatrorum 256
comes domesticorum 186
comes patrimonii 54, 58, 61–63, 133
comes privatarum 61–62, 180–81, 133
comes sacrarum largitionum 61–62, 133,
comitatus 56–58, 61, 66–67, 89
comites, Gothic 62–64, 68, 76, 81–82, 89,
103–04, 121, 148, 162, 217
comites, Merovingian 188
comitiaci 66–68
Como 104, 242, 484
conductors 487
Constantine, Emperor 99, 109, 115, 122–23,
154, 159, 382–83, 474, 486
Constantinople 37–38, 49–50, 53–54, 57, 75,
84, 112, 138, 142, 149, 254, 297, 299, 321,
352, 359, 362, 367, 370, 382–84, 386, 399,
430, 441–45, 451, 518
Chalke gate 375–76
Constantius II, Emperor 133
Constantius, bishop 508
Constitutio Antoniniana 153
consuls 73
countryside, see rural life
Corippus 55
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