A Companion to Ostrogothic Italy

(ff) #1

546 Index

Galicia 391
Galla 305
Galla Placidia 84, 112, 300, 482
Gamzigrad 382–83
Gargano 485
Gaudentius, senator 140, 165
Gaudentius, bishop 457
Gaul 1, 18, 29, 33, 53–54, 84–91, 92, 133, 149,
176, 182, 193, 219, 285, 432, 455, 457, 463,
Geiseric 304–05
Gelasius, Pope 114–15, 432–34, 438–40,
443–44, 458, 470–72, 487–88, 508–09,
512–13, 515, 519–20, 522–24
Gemellus 88–90, 455
Geneva 248
gender, see women
Genoa 484, 506
Gepids 35, 75, 80–83, 93, 174
Germanus 39, 307, 473
Gesalec 29, 85
Gothic War 3, 9, 24, 32, 36–40, 58, 91–94, 98,
106, 117, 142–44, 173, 187, 191–95, 220–22,
244, 247, 267, 285, 296, 312, 324, 342,
393, 401, 407, 438, 480, 484, 486, 506
government, see Ostrogoths
governors, provincial 62, 64–65
Grado 248
Gratian, Emperor 305
Decree of 461
Gratiana 84
Greece 116
Gregory of Nyssa 328
Gregory of Tours 3, 187–88, 310–11
Gregory, Pope 337, 414, 453, 461, 465,
485–86, 489, 493–95
Gudelina 309
Gundila 221, 241
Gundobad 458, 517

Hadrian, Emperor 382
Helena 382
Heraclius, Emperor 59
Herduic 81
Hermanfrid 303
Heruls 35, 38, 83, 174
Hildebad 38
Hilderic 33, 302, 303

Hippocrates 320
Homer 312
honorati 102–03, 109
Honorius, bishop 523
Honorius, Emperor 154, 245, 367, 382–83
Hormisdas, Pope 328, 435, 438, 445, 520,
hospitalitas, see Ostrogoths
Huneric 304–05, 310
Huns 173–74, 208–09, 213, 241

Ianuarius 459, 473
Ibas of Edessa 445
Ibba 85, 89, 455
identity, see Ostrogoths
Illus 210
Illyricum 74–75, 84, 92, 516
Imola 250, 482
incastellamento 265, 398
intellectual culture, see Italy, and also art
Invillino 191
Isidore of Seville 352
Istria 380
Italia Annonaria 79, 114, 481, 488
Italia Suburbicaria 114, 427, 438, 481, 488,
environment and geography 9–10,
264–69, 285–86, 390–416, 400–15
land owning, see rural life
literature/intellectual culture 316–42
centers and networks 321–30
education 317–20
philosophy 330–36
population 9–10, 251–54, 392–98
urban culture/history 98–102, 234–56;
see also art, architecture
housing 249–50
spectacles 245–47
spoliation 358–59

Jerome 338, 341, 488, 490, 492
Jews 1, 27, 252, 455, 503, 504–10, 525
synagogues 131, 252
John Cassian 495
John I, Pope 32, 442–43, 520
John II, Pope 433, 435, 437, 445
John Maxentius 523
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