A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1
List of Maps and figures


1.1. the Venetian Lagoon ......................................................................... 26
1.2. the sestieri of Venice ........................................................................ 35
3.1. Venice’s Terraferma ............................................................................ 87
4.1. the Stato da mar ................................................................................. 126
9.1. the parishes of Venice ...................................................................... 383


5.1. production of woolen cloths in Venice, 1516–
(quinquennial average) ..................................................................... 273
5.2. real wages of building laborers in comparison,
1396–1775 ............................................................................................ 279
8.1. elite woman in pianelle supported by servant. giovanni
grevembroch, Gli abiti de’ veneziani di quasi ogni età
(watercolor, eighteenth century). Biblioteca del Museo
Correr, Ms gradenigo-dolfin 49 (= 191). Courtesy of
Museo Civico Correr .......................................................................... 356
8.2. Men processing, women watching. Matteo pagan,
Procession of the Doge in Piazza San Marco on Palm Sunday
(engraving, 1556–59), detail. Courtesy of Museo Civico
Correr ...................................................................................................... 357
13.1. 17th century drawing of the center of the village of orgiano
(Vicenza). the house that belonged to paolo orgiano
is the second on the right, on the road that crosses
the village .............................................................................................. 523
13.2. tignale, sanctuary of Montecastello (Brescia), ex-voto that
describes the death of Zanzanù ..................................................... 526
19.1. a plate from andreas Vesalius’s De fabrica (1543), showing
an engraving of the musculature on a male figure.
Courtesy of the national Library of Medicine ........................... 711

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