A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

xiv contributors

specialist in the Italian Renaissance and early modern Europe. Her recent
publications include La carità e l’eros: il matrimonio, la chiesa e i suoi giu-
dici nella Venezia del Rinascimento (1420–1545) (Bologna, 2010), and “Does
the Priest Have to Be There? Contested Marriages Before Roman Tribunals
(Italy, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)”, in Österreichische Zeitschrift
für Geschichtswissenschaften 3 (2009), 10–30. She is currently working on
a monograph, Negotiating Confession in Early Modern Europe: Mixed Mar-
riages and Their Impact on Religious Pluralization.

Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan (Paris I–Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1989) is professor of
medieval history at the Université Paris–Sorbonne. She is a specialist in
the history of Italy. Her most recent publications include: Venise triom-
phante: Les horizons d’un mythe (Paris, 1999; Turin, 2001; Baltimore, 2002);
Enfers et Paradis: L’Italie de Dante et de Giotto (Paris, 2001; Rome, 2007);
Renaissances italiennes: 1380–1500 (Paris, 2007; Rome, 2012); and Villes
vivantes: Italie. XIIIe–XVe siècle (Paris, 2009). She is currently working on a
monograph on the first kings of Jerusalem.

David D’Andrea (University of Virginia, 1999) is associate professor of his-
tory at Oklahoma State University. He is a specialist in early modern social
and religious history. He has published Civic Christianity in Renaissance
Italy: The Hospital of Treviso, 1400–1530 (Rochester, 2007) and collaborated
with Ivano Sartor, Giampaolo Cagnin, and Danilo Gasparini to write the
most comprehensive history of any European hospital: S. Maria dei Bat-
tuti di Treviso: L’Ospedal Grando, secc. XIII–XX, 3 vols (Treviso, 2010). He
is currently working on a survey of miraculous Marian shrines in early
modern Italy.

Edoardo Demo (Università di Verona, 1999) researches the late medieval
and early modern economic and commercial history of the Venetian
terraferma at the Università di Verona. In addition to more than 50 arti-
cles and essays primarily treating the mercantile world of northern Italy in
the 15th and 16th centuries (in Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Ger-
man), he has published the monograph L’“anima della città.” L’industria
tessile a Verona e Vicenza (1400–1550) (Milan, 2001) and the critical edi-
tion of Registro XXII of the Senato veneziano, serie Misti [Venezia-Senato.
Deliberazioni miste. Registro XXII (1344–1345) (Venice, 2007). He is pres-
ently working on a monograph on the international activities of Veronese
and Vicentine merchants in the Cinquecento.

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