A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

contributors xix

Her publications include The Honest Courtesan: Veronica Franco, Citizen
and Writer of Sixteenth-Century Venice (Chicago, 1992) and (with Ann R.
Jones) Clothing of the Renaissance World (London, 2008).

Guido Ruggiero (University of California, Los Angeles, 1972) is College of
Arts and Sciences Cooper Fellow and Professor in the department of His-
tory at the University of Miami. His primary research interests focus on the
history of gender and sex, emotions and pleasure, and identity, as well as
microhistory and social and cultural history more generally. Among other
volumes he has published Binding Passions: Tales of Magic, Marriage and
Power from the End of the Renaissance (Oxford, 1993) and Machiavelli in
Love: Sex, Self and Society in Renaissance Italy (Baltimore, 2007). He is cur-
rently finishing a book rethinking the Italian Renaissance for Cambridge
University Press tentatively titled The Renaissance in Italy: A New Social
and Cultural History of the Rinascimento.

Ruggero Rugolo (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 1998) is head of publica-
tions at the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, and he teaches
the history of modern art at Ca’ Foscari. With Massimo Favilla he has
studied extensively the art of Venice and the Veneto in the Seicento and
Settecento, especially Louis Dorigny, Simone Brentana, Antonio Balestra,
Sebastiano Ricci, and Giambattista Tiepolo. His publications include
(with Massimo Favilla) Venezia barocca. Splendori e illusioni di un mondo
in ‘decadenza’ (Schio, 2009) and Venezia ’700. Arte e società nell’ultimo
secolo della Serenissima (Schio, 2011). He and Massimo Favilla are cur-
rently working on a volume on the taste for chinoiserie in Europe in the
17th and 18th centuries.

Anne Jacobson Schutte (Stanford University, 1969) is professor emerita of
history at the University of Virginia. She specializes in religion and gender,
particularly but not exclusively in early modern Italy. Her books include
By Force and Fear: Taking and Breaking Monastic Vows in Early Modern
Europe (Ithaca, 2011); Aspiring Saints: Pretense of Holiness, Inquisition,
and Gender in the Republic of Venice, 1618–1750 (Baltimore, 2001); and Pier
Paolo Vergerio: The Making of an Italian Reformer (Geneva, 1977, Italian
edition 1988). Her current major project concerns printed Italian lives of
holy people issued after Pope Urban VIII’s reforms of beatification and

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