A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

346 anna bellavitis

of artisans left their dowries to their husbands, which they had certainly
earned with their own work—and, perhaps, supplemented with the help
of some charitable organization—rather than inherited from their fathers.
if dowries had been invested in the shop, in which husband and wife col-
laborated, it was difficult to ask the widower to relinquish a part of it to
repay the wife’s dowry. it is hard to say whether the case of a wife’s will
leaving the husband heir, to the detriment of her family of origin, is to
be considered the result of coercion or pressure on the husband’s part.
Some women, nevertheless, expressed this worry in their will, which they
dictated to the notary in a moment when their husbands were absent
or while they visited relatives. this occurred in the case of the widow of
a furrier, remarried in Padua, and who, taking advantage of a visit to a
brother who was still in Venice, dictated her will to the notary, leaving 300
ducats to her son from her first marriage. at the end of the will, she had
the notary write: “and in case i am forced by my husband, or by someone
else, to rewrite my will, it shall only be valid if i write Jesus maria, Jesus
maria, Jesus maria three times.”57


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57 Bellavitis, Famille, p. 134.
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