A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

the anthropology of venice 509

so much as assert that his multiple rapes had not hurt anyone’s honor
because all the village women were “whores” anyway. in their investiga-
tion, the judges asked the women about their own definitions of honor,
revealing how a preoccupation with personal honor permeated all levels
of society.66 cultural transformation came from the encounters among
these contrasting concepts of honor, and Venice facilitated the transfor-
mation by accepting that even humble men and women possessed honor.
By investigating malfeasance, Venice uncovered the many cultures of its
dominion, making it possible to see far deeper layers of meaning than
what Marin Sanudo and his contemporaries ever could imagine.


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66 povolo, L’intrigo dell’Onore.
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