A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797

(Amelia) #1

808 wolfgang wolters

Portraiture: Anne christine Junkerman, Bellissima Donna. An
Interdisciplinary Study of Venetian Sensous Half-length Images of the Early
Sixteenth Century (Ph.D. diss., University of california, 1988).
Group Portraiture: irene Kleinschmidt, Gruppenvotivbilder venezia-
nischer Beamter (1550–1630). Tintoretto und die Entwicklung einer Aufgabe
(Venice, 1977).
Family Portraiture: Patricia Fortini Brown, Private Lives, op. cit.,
passim. Also concerning the great variety of types, see Friedrich Polleroß,
“Della bellezza e della misura e della convenevolezza. Bemerkungen
zur venezianischen Porträtmalerei anläßlich der tintoretto-Ausstellung
in Venice und Wien” [remarks on Venetian Portrait Painting from the
tintoretto exhibit in Venice and Vienna], Pantheon 53 (1995), 33–52.
Portrait Busts: Martin Gaier, “ius imaginis nihil esse aliud, quam ius
nobilitatis. Bildpolitik und Machtanspruch im Patriziat Venedigs,” in
Jeanette Kohl and rebecca Müller, eds., Kopf—Bild. Die Büste in Mittealter
und früher Neuzeit (Munich/Berlin, 2007), pp. 255–82.
Quadri laterali: Michael Matile, Quadri laterali im sakralen Kontext.
Studien und Materialien zur Historienmalerei in venezianischen Kirchen
und Kapellen des Cinquecento (Munich, 1997).
Reliefs: Michael Godby, “A note on schiacciato,” The Art Bulletin 72
(1980), 635–37.
Sacramental Chapels: Maurice e. cope, The Venetian Chapel of the
Sacrament in the Sixteenth Century (new York/London, 1979).
Sculpture: Wolfgang Wolters, La scultura veneziana gotica, (1300–1460)
(Venice, 1976), as found in Huse and Wolters, The Art of Renaissance
Venice, op. cit., pp. 145–98.
Scuole: terisio Pignatti, ed., Le Scuole di Venezia (Milan, 1981). Patricia
Fortini Brown, Venetian Narrative Painting in the Age of Carpaccio (new
Haven/London, 1988). Gabriele Köster, Künstler und ihre Brüder. Maler,
Bildhauer und Architekten in den venezianischen Scuole Grandi (bis ca 1600)
(Berlin, 2008).
Drawings: Hans tietze and erika tietze-conrat, The Drawings of the
Venetian Painters of the 15th and 16th Centuries (new York, 1944). Bernhard
Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt, Corpus der Italienischen Zeichnungen
1300–1450, vol. 4, part 2: Venice. Jacopo Bellini (Berlin, 1990).
Tombs: Andrea Da Mosto, I Dogi di Venezia con particolare riguardo
alle loro tombe (Venice, 1939). Jan Simane, Grabmonumente der Dogen.
Venezianische Sepulkralkunst im Cinquecento (Sigmaringen, 1993).
Workshops: Susan Mary connell, The Employment of Sculptors and
Stone-masons in Venice in the Fifteenth Century (new York/London,

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