A Companion to the Hanseatic League

(sharon) #1

List of Contributors

Mike Burkhardt
is the author of Der Bergenhandel im Spätmittelalter: Handel, Kaufleute,
Netzwerke (Colonge, 2009).

Ulf Christian Erwert
has taught medieval and economic history at Chemnitz University of
Technology, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Free University of
Berlin and the universities of Munich, Regensburg, Halle and Münster. He
is the author of numerous articles on the Hanse, the Portuguese overseas
expansion, the political economy of pre-modern princely courts and early
modern living standards.

Rolf Hammel-Kiesow
is the associate director of the Archives of Lübeck and an honorary professor
at the University of Kiel. He is the author of many works on the history of the
Hanse. Since 1994 he has been a member of the Executive Board, and since
2010, the Chairman of the Hansischer Geschichtsverein.

Donald J. Harreld
is Associate Professor and Chair of History at Brigham Young University. He is
the author of High Germans in the Low Countries: German Merchants and
Commerce in Golden Age Antwerp (Leiden, 2004).

Carsten Jahnke
is Associate Professor for Medieval History at the SAXO-Institute, University
Copenhagen. He is the author of many works on the history of the Hanse and
the history of the Baltic area.

Michael North
is Professor and Chair of Modern History at the University of Greifswald,
Honorary Doctor of the University of Tartu and Director of the International
Graduate Program “Baltic Borderlands”. His recent books include The
Expansion of Europe, 1250–1500 (Manchester 2012) and The Baltic: a History
(Cambridge, Mass. 2015).

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