Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

122 Unit 9: Пра�здники

Пи�тер: Но снача�ла мы бу�дем пpа�здновать на�ше Рождество�.
Приглаша�ю тебя� и Тама�ру ко мне на Рождество�. И на
день рожде�ния!
Са�ша: У тебя� день рожде�ния 25 декабря�? Спаси�бо! Тама�ра
бу�дет о�чень ра�да! A где ты собира�ешься встреча�ть
Но�вый год?
Пи�тер: Ещё не зна�ю!
Са�ша: Тогда� приглаша�ю тебя к нам на Но�вый год!
Пи�тер: Спаси�бо!

1 On what date is Christmas celebrated in Russia?
2 When is Peter’s birthday?
3 Where are they celebrating the New Year?


везде� в ми�ре everywhere in
the world
встреча�ть I to see the
Но�вый год New Year in
день рожде�ния birthday

правосла�вное Orthodox
Рождество� Christmas
пра�здновать I to celebrate
снача�ла at first
число� number, date

Dates (Audio 1.51)
To form dates in Russian, you use the ordinal numerals listed in Unit 4.
Tо ask the date in Russian you say: Како�е сего�дня чнсло�? `What
is the date today?’ Какое� is the neuter form, agreeing with the neu-
ter noun число� `date’. A typical reply would be: Сего�дня пе�рвое
декабря� ‘Today is the first of December’. The adjective пе�рвое ‘first’
is in the neuter to agree with число� although the word число� is rarely
actually included in the answer. ‘Of’ is translated by putting December
into the genitive case. Note the following example: два�дцать пе�рвое
декабря� ‘the twenty-first of December’. In compound ordinal numbers,
only the last element is a proper ordinal with an adjectival ending. The
preceding elements are simply cardinal numbers as in English. All ordi-
nal numerals are hard adjectives with the exception of тре�тий, which is
a soft adjective although it does not follow exactly the same pattern as
regular soft adjectives, such as после�дний. A table of endings is given
in the Grammar Summary.
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