Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

170 Unit 12: Росси ́ йские СМИ


во вре�мя (+ gen) during
вы�боры (pl) election

мне�ние opinion
то�чка зре�ния point of view


Nominative plural
Masculine nouns endings in a consonant and feminine nouns ending in
-a usually take the nominative plural ending -ы: журна�л – журна�лы;
газе�та – газе�ты.
Note the stress change: сестра� – сёстры. The stress on several
two-syllable nouns moves to the first syllable in the plural.
Nouns affected by the spelling rule take the ending -и: па�мятник –
па�мятники; переда�ча – переда�чи.
Masculine nouns ending in -й and feminine nouns ending in -я and
both masculine and feminine nouns ending in -ь also have their plural
in -и: музе�й – музе�и; неде�ля – неде�ли; чита�тель – чита�тели;
но�вость – но�вости; мать – ма�тери; дочь – до�чери.
Do not forget that some masculine nouns drop the vowel o, e or ё
from the last syllable of the nominative singular when other endings are
added: день – дни; оте�ц – отцы�; пирожо�к – пирожки�.
Neuter nouns ending in -о take the nominative plural ending -a, and
neuter nouns ending in -e take the plural ending -я: окно� – о�кна;
изда�ние – изда�ния.
Neuter nouns ending in -мя take the ending -ена: и�мя – имена�.
Some masculine nouns have an irregular nominative plural ending
in -а�: дом – дома�; адрес – aдреса� �; ве�чер – вечера�; дире�ктор –
директора�; лес – леса�; го�род – города�; бе�рег – берега�. The plural
of учи�тель is учителя.�
Some masculine and neuter nouns have an irregular nominative plu-
ral in -ья: брат – бра�тья; стул – стулья; друг – друзья� �; де�рево  –
Masculine nouns ending in -анин, -янин usually end in -aне, -яне
in the nominative plural: aнглича�нин – англича�не.
Лю�ди is used as the plural of челове�к, and де�ти is used as the
plural of ребёнок.
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