Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

172 Unit 12: Росси ́ йские СМИ

Note, however, that after numerals taking the genitive plural, ско�лько
and не�сколько the form челове�к is used as the genitive plural: пять

Feminine nouns
Nouns ending in -a remove the -a: переда�ча – переда�ч; газе�тa –
газе�т. Nouns ending in -я replace it by -ь: неде�ля – неде�ль.
Sometimes a vowel (o, e, ё) is inserted between the last two con-
sonants: стyде�нткa – студе�нток; де�вушка – де�вушек; копейка –
Nouns ending in -ня generally do not have a soft sign in the gen-
itive plural: пе�сня – пе�сен. But note: дере�вня – дереве�нь; ку�xня
‘kitchen’ – ку�xoнь.
Nouns ending in -ь take the ending -ей: но�вость – новосте�й;
мать – матере�й; дочь – дочере�й.
Nouns ending in -ея take the ending -ей: иде�я – иде�й. Note also:
статья� – стaте�й; сeмья� – семе�й.
Nouns ending in -ия take the ending -ий: се�рия – се�рий.

Neuter nouns
Nouns ending in -o remove the -о: де�ло – дел; о�зеро – озёр.
Sometimes a vowel is inserted between the last two consonants:
окно� – о�кон; письмо� – пи�сем; кре�сло – кре�сел.
Nouns ending in -e take the ending -ей: мо�ре – море�й.
Nouns ending in -иe take the ending -ий: изда�ние – изда�ний.
Nouns ending in -мя take the ending -ён: и�мя – имён.
Note: де�рево – дере�вьев.

Accusative plural
The accusative plural of inanimate nouns is the same as the nomina-
tive. The accusative plural of animate nouns is the same as the genitive.

Genitive plural of adjectives
The genitive plural for all three genders is -ых for hard adjectives and
-их for soft adjectives: типи�чных; после�дних.
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