Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

176 Unit 12: Росси ́ йские СМИ

(b) Now put the imperatives into negatives by using imperfective verb.
For example:
напиши�(те) письмо� – не пиши(те)� письмо�; купи�(те)
фру�кты – не покупа�й(те) фру�кты

Expressions of quantity with the genitive
Note the use of the following expressions with the genitive:
мно�го информа�ции ‘much information’; мно�го интере�сных
журна�лов ‘many interesting magazines’; мно�гие из э�тиx изда�ний
‘many of these publications’; ма�ло хоро�ших газе�т ‘few interesting
newspapers’; большинство� ру�сских ‘the majority of Russians’;
ско�лько газе�т? ‘how many newspapers?’; не�сколько челове�к
‘several people’. Bу contrast with не�сколько, which simply indicates
a quantity, не�которые из means ‘some of’ in a selective sense:
не�которые из э�тих газе�т ‘some of these newspapers’. Из is also
used after оди�н/одна�/одно� when translating ‘one of’: оди�н из э�тих
журна�лов ‘one of these magazines’.

The numerals пять (five) and above, excluding compounds ending in
оди�н/одна�/одно�, два/две, три or четы�pe, are followed by the gen-
itive plural of nouns and adjectives: пять хоро�ших газе�т ‘five good
newspapers’; два�дцать шесть хоро�ших журна�лов ‘twenty-six
good magazines’.
Although два/две, три, чeты�ре are followed by nouns in the
genitive singular, adjectives describing these nouns go into the geni-
tive plural with masculine and neuter nouns and usually the nomina-
tive plural with feminine nouns. The same rules apply to compound
numerals ending in два/две, три, четы�ре: два�дцaть два хоро�ших
стyде�нта ‘twenty-two good male students’; два�дцать две хоро�шие
студе�нтки ‘twenty-two good female students’.
Оди�н/одна�/одно� behaves like an adjective agreeing with the
noun it describes. Compound numerals ending in оди�н/одна�/одно�
are followed by a noun and adjective in the singular: два�дцaть оди�н
хоро�ший студе�нт ‘twenty-one good male students; два�дцaть одна�
хоро�шaя стyде�нтка ‘twenty-one good female students’
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