Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

Unit 12: Russian mass media 177

Questions with ли

The particle ли may be used to ask questions. The emphasised word
in the question usually comes first, followed by ли: Получа�ете ли вы
газе�ту? ‘Do you take a newspaper?’ Интере�сна ли э�та газе�та? ‘Is
this newspaper interesting?’
Ли is also used to translate ‘whether’ or ‘if’ in indirect questions. In
Russian, unlike English, the tense used to report indirect speech is the
same as would have been used for direct speech.

Он спроси�л, полyча�ю ли я газе�ту
‘He asked whether/if I took (lit. take) a newspaper’.
Она� спроси�ла, бу�ду ли я до�ма
‘She asked whether/if I would be (lit. will be) at home’.

Упражне�ние 5 (Audio 2.13)

Change direct questions to indirect questions.

For example:
Он спроси�л: «Вы получа�ете газе�ты?»
Он спроси�л, получа�ю ли я газе�ты.

Он спроси�л: (вы чита�ете воскре�сные газе�ты? ты хо�чешь быть
врачо�м? y тебя� есть брат? вы интересу�етесь спо�ртом? вы пой-
дёте в кино�? тебе� нужны� кни�ги?)


(Audio 2.14)

  • Say that you want to subscribe to some Russian newspapers and
    magazines. Ask for advice.

  • Э�то зави�сит от тебя�. Что тебя интересу�ет?

  • Say that you are interested in literature and culture.

  • Тогда� я рекоменду�ю «Литерату�pную газе�тy» и журна�л «Но�вый

  • Explain that for your work you also need information about econom-
    ics and politics but you do not have time to read much.

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