Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

178 Unit 12: Росси ́ йские СМИ

  • Тогда� я сове�тyю вы�писать газе�тy «Аргуме�нты и фа�кты». B ней
    ма�ссa фа�ктов и информа�ции.

  • Ask if there is a paper with information about television and radio

  • Да, в журна�ле «Семь дней» обзо�р всех переда�ч пo ра�дио и

  • Say that your main (гла�вный) interest is not literature, economics
    or politics but sport.

  • E�сли вас интересу�ет спорт, вы мо�жете вы�писать журна�л

  • Say thank you for the advice and state which papers you will sub-
    scribe to.


1 Everyone says that your press has changed a lot and is now inde-
pendent. There is such a wide choice of popular magazines and
2 The majority of Muscovites prefer to subscribe to daily newspapers.
Some of these daily newspapers are very interesting.
3 One of my friends bought a new magazine five days ago. In it there
were very many useful facts about life in England. I wanted to buy
it but could not find it. It seems the magazine was only on sale for a
few weeks.
4 Business people do not have much time to read all these long news-
papers. Perhaps you can recommend to me a short one?
5 I advise you to subscribe to the weekly newspaper Arguments and
Facts. It is a very short newspaper, but one can find many facts and
much information in it. It has many readers.
6 There are two big financial journals in Russia now and five indepen-
dent financial newspapers.
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