Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

Unit 13: Shopping 183

Useful phrases for shopping in the market:

Бу҂дьте добры҂! Be so kind!
Взве҂сьте мне! (imp of) взве҂ситьII Weigh it for me.
Ско҂лько сто҂ят помидо҂ры? How much do tomatoes
Почём (coll) огурцы҂? How much are
Попро҂буйте! (imp of) Taste it!
попро҂боватьI (pf)
Без сда҂чи 300 рубле҂й 300 roubles exactly
(without change)
Ско҂лько с меня҂? How much do I owe?
всего҂ in all
кру҂пные де҂ньги large denomination notes
Ничего҂! That’s alright!


Plurals of nouns

In comparison with the nominative, accusative and genitive plurals,
the dative, instrumental and prepositional plural endings are very

Dative plural

Masculine nouns ending in a consonant, feminine nouns ending in -a
and neuter nouns ending in -о take the ending -ам: дом – дома҂м;
кварти҂ра – кварти҂рам; окно҂ – о҂кнам.
Note: друг – друзья҂м.
Masculine nouns ending in -й or -ь, feminine nouns ending in -я
or -ь and neuter nouns ending in -е take the ending -ям: музе҂й –
музе҂ям; рубль – рубля҂м; зда҂ние – зда҂ниям.

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