Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

184 Unit 13: За поку ́пками!

Instrumental plural
Masculine nouns ending in a consonant, feminine nouns ending in -a
and neuter nouns ending in -о take the ending -ами: дом – дома҂ми;
кварти҂ра – кварти҂рами; окно҂ – о҂кнaми.
Note: друзья҂ – друзья҂ми.
Masculine nouns ending in -й or -ь, feminine nouns ending in -я
or -ь, and neuter nouns ending in -е take the ending – ями: музе҂й –
музе҂ями; рубль – рубля҂ми; зда҂ние – зда҂ниями.
Note: люди҂ – людьми҂; дочери҂ – дочерьми҂; де҂ти – детьми҂.

Prepositional plural
Masculine nouns ending in a consonant, feminine nouns ending in -а
and neuter nouns ending in -о take the ending -ах: дом – дома҂х;
кварти҂ра – кварти҂рах; окно҂ – о҂кнах.
Note: друзья҂ – друзья҂х.
Masculine nouns ending in -й or -ь, feminine nouns ending in -я or
-ь and neuter nouns ending in -е take the ending -ях: музе҂й – музе҂ях;
рубль – рубля҂х; зда҂ниe – зда҂ниях.
Note that endings may be affected by the rules of spelling: вещь
‘thing’ – веща҂м (dat pl), веща҂ми (instru pl), веща҂х (prep pl).
Neuter nouns ending in -мя take the following endings: и҂мя –
имена҂м (dat pl), имена҂ми (instru pl), имена҂х (prep pl).

Plural of adjectives
The dative plural of hard adjectives for all genders is -ым and of soft
and mixed adjectives is -им.
The instrumental plural of hard adjectives for all genders is -ыми
and of soft and mixed adjectives is -ими.
The prepositional plural of hard adjectives for all genders is -ыx and
of soft and mixed adjectives is -их.
Full tables can be found in the Grammar Summary.

The plural of possessives and э҂тот, тот, весь
and оди҂н
Tables for these can be found in the Grammar Summary.
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