Unit 15: The theatre 223
- Четырёх мест вме�сте в парте�ре нет, есть то�лько в амфитеа�тре.
- Say that you’ll take four tickets for the circle.
- Есть четы�рнадцатый и два�дцать пя�тый ряд (row).
- Ask which are better.
- Четы�рнадцатый ряд бли�же и коне�чно, лу�чше.
- Ask if the tickets are much more expensive for row fourteen.
- Нет, то�лько на 100 рубле�й доро�же.
- Say that you will take the tickets for row fourteen.
- Четы�рнадцатый ряд, ме�сто четвёртое, пя�тое, шесто�е, седьмо�е.
- Ask how much are the tickets.
- Всего� четы�ре ты�сячи рубле�й.
- Thank you very much.
1 Life is much more interesting when you have more free time.
2 Theatre tickets are more expensive now than last year. Cinema tick-
ets are cheaper, but I am more interested in the theatre.
3 I live further from the centre of Moscow now. As a result, I go to the
theatre less often.
4 My friend drives a newer car than Sasha, but Sasha says that his car
is better.
5 Buildings in London are taller than those in Moscow.
6 They sell cheaper shoes in the market.
7 Moscow is colder than London in winter but warmer in summer.
8 She plays the violin much better than her elder sister.