Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

252 Unit 17: Петербýрг

уви�дите, как краси�вы петербу�ргские мосты�. Петербу�рг – э�то
го�род мосто�в, иногда� его� да�же называ�ют музе�ем мосто�в. Их в
Петербу�рге 342.

  • Say thank you very much for the advice and that you will certainly
    go on a boat trip along the canals. Say that Petersburg reminds
    you of Venice. It is no mere chance (не случа�йно) that it is called
    “The Venice of the North”. You like Petersburg very much. It’s a
    marvellous town!


1 Peter the Great founded St Petersburg in 1703. He needed an outlet
to the sea, so he chose the place where the wide River Neva flows
into the Baltic. There he built a fortress which he called the Peter and
Paul Fortress.
2 If Peter had not built St Petersburg, Russia would not have had an
outlet to the sea.
3 If only I could have gone to St Petersburg this summer, I would have
visited all the museums.
4 During the war, Leningrad suffered (пережить) a terrible blockade
which lasted 900 days. Many people died from hunger and cold. But
Leningrad survived.
5 The great Russian writer Tolstoy was born in 1828 and died in
November 1910, when he was 82 years old. During his long life, he
wrote many interesting books.
6 My friend liked St Petersburg very much. She had never seen such
a beautiful town and so many bridges and canals.
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