Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

258 Unit 18: Равнопра�вие

and replace it with -щий: чита�ть – чита�ют – чита�ющий; писа�ть –
пи�шут – пи�шущий; носи�ть – но�сят – нося�щий. The participles
from 1st conjugation verbs are usually stressed on the same sylla-
ble as the third person plural: рабо�тают – рабо�тающий. The stress
on participles from 2nd conjugation verbs is usually the same as
the infinitive: води�ть – водящий. But note: люби�ть – лю�бящий;
лечи�ть – ле�чащий.

Agreement of the participle
Participles are often referred to as verbal adjectives since they are
derived from verbs but have the same endings and are used in a similar
way to adjectives. Present active participles have endings like the mixed
adjective хоро�ший. They agree in number, gender and case with the
noun they refer to: Я зна�ю же�нщину, чита�ющую газе�ту ‘I know the
woman reading the newspaper’. Чита�ющую is in the feminine singular
accusative because it refers to the noun же�нщину which is in the fem-
inine singular accusative.
Существу�ют специа�льные но�рмы, охраня�ющие же�нский
т руд ‘Special norms exist protecting female labour’.
Существу�ют специа�льные но�рмы, кото�рые охраня�ют
же�нский труд ‘Special norms exist which protect female labour’.

Мо�жно ви�деть же�нщин, рабо�тающих на стро�йке ‘You can
see women working on a building site’.
Мо�жно ви�деть же�нщин, которые рабо�тают на стро�йке ‘You
can see women who work on a building site’.

The present active participle from a reflexive verb always ends in
-ся even if the -ся is preceded by a vowel: Э�то студе�нт, уча�щийся в
на�шем институ�те ‘This is the student studying in our institute’.
Sometimes present active participles are used as adjectives. The
following are examples of participles commonly used as adjectives:
веду�щий ‘leading’; сле�дующий ‘following’; теку�щий ‘current’ (as a
participle ‘flowing’); подходя�щий ‘fitting, suitable’; бу�дущий ‘future’
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