Unit 18: Equal rights 265
- Акти�вного фемини�стского движе�ния, как на за�паде, у нас пока�
нет. - Say you have heard that many women’s groups are appearing
(появля�ться) in Russia now which protest openly (откры�то
протестова�ть) against the unjust treatment of (несправедли�вое
отноше�ние к) women. - Да, вы правы�. Таки�е гру�ппы уже� появи�лись, и их стано�вится
всё бо�льше. - Say that you do not like the stereotypes which still exist in Russia.
In your opinion, Russian men do not help women much. It is the
woman who usually does the shopping, stands in queues and looks
after the children. - К сожале�нию, э�то пра�вда! Но ситуа�ция изменя�ется! Всё бо�льше
молоды�х семе�й счита�ют, что мужчи�на то�же до�лжен занима�ться
дома�шним хозя�йством!
- There is a law in Russia which bans the use of female labour in diffi-
cult conditions. However, there are still a lot of factories which break
this rule and use female labour in such conditions. - The conference which took place recently was very interesting.
Many problems were discussed, especially the difficult situation of
working mothers. - The changes which are taking place in Russia now have enormous
consequences for the whole world. - My daughter does not like life in the countryside. She says there is
nothing to do there, nowhere to go in the evenings, no one to play
tennis with and no one to talk to. But when we come to Moscow,
she never goes anywhere, never plays tennis with anyone and never
talks to anyone. She just sits in her room and does nothing.