Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

Grammar summary 307

Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative тот та тo те
Accusative тот/того� тy то те/тех
Genitive того� той того� тех
Dative томy� той томy� тем

Instrumental тем той тем те�ми
Prepositional том той том тех

Note: The second alternative form for the masculine and plural accusa-
tives is to be used with animate nouns.


Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural
Nominative весь вся всё все
Accusative весь/всего� всю всё все/всех

Genitive всего� всей всего� всех
Dative всему� всей всему� всем
Instrumental всем всей всем все�ми
Prepositional всём всей всём всех

Note: The second alternative form for the masculine and plural accusa-
tives is to be used with animate nouns.


Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural

Nominative сaм сама� само� са�ми
Accusative сам/самого� сaму� само� са�ми/сами�x
Genitive самого� само�й самого� сaми�x
Dative самому� само�й самому� сами�м
Instrumental сами�м само�й сами�м сами�ми
Prepositional само�м само�й само�м сами�х

Note: The second alternative form for the masculine and plural accusa-
tives is to be used with animate nouns. Note that the genitive, dative,
instrumental and prepositional cases of сам are stressed on the end-
ing. Contrast са�мый ‘the very’, which declines like a hard adjective and
is stressed throughout on the stem.

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