Colloquial Russian

(Steven Felgate) #1

58 Unit 4: Типи�чный день

For example:
(омле�т) (a) Омле�т гото�в?
(b) – Да, гото�в.
(c) – Нет, ещё нe гото�в.

Упражне�ние 6

Now ask whether (тури�ст, стyде�нткa, Пи�тер, стyде�нты, Ми�ша,
дежу�рная, ма�стер, тури�сты) are ‘hungry’ and reply in the same way.
For example:
(Мари�на) (a) Мари�нa голодна�?
(b) – Да, голодна�.
(c) – Нет, ещё не голодна�.

Masculine nouns ending in –a
Nouns ending in -a or -я in the nominative singular are usually femi-
nine. However, if a noun ending in -a or -я refers to a male it is mascu-
line. Diminutives of boys’ names, for example, commonly end in -a or -я.
These nouns take masculine agreements, but their endings will change
in the same way as feminine nouns ending in -a or -я:
Ми�ша го�лоден я зна�ю Ми�шy
‘Misha is hungry’. ‘I know Misha’.


‘One’ is translated by оди�н (masculine), одна� (feminine), одно� (neu-
ter) dependent on the gender of the noun it describes: оди�н стака�н
‘one glass’; одна� ча�шка ‘one cup’; одно� блю�до ‘one dish’.

Упражне�ние 7 (Audio 1.27)

Put the appropriate form of the numeral one (оди�н, одна�, одно�) in
front of the following nouns.
1 ко�мната.
2 блю�до.

3 cтака�н.
4 день.
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