Nature 2020 01 30 Part.01

(Ann) #1


Extended Data Fig. 8 | Sensitivity of the GrIS model to melt
parameterization. a, Time series of tuning experiments for the GrIS with the
preferred run in blue and three runs used for b–d shown in green, orange, and
red. b–d, Surface elevation differences under a present-day climatology at the
end of the 40,000-yr T-I parameter tuning experiments, using degree-day
factors drawn from our ensemble that give a low amount of surface melting (b),

a medium amount of surface melting (c), and a high amount of surface melting
(d). Values shown are the differences from the reference experiment. These
experiments are identical to the T-I reference experiment used to parameterize
the T-II simulations (Fig.  3 ) except for the degree-day factors used. The results
show that our ice-sheet model is sensitive to the way in which surface mass
balance is parameterized by controlling the amount of surface melting.
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