Nature 2020 01 30 Part.01

(Ann) #1


Extended Data Fig. 3 | Alternative PCA and allele-sharing analyses. a, Broad-
scale PCA (differing from Fig. 2a by projecting all present-day Cameroon
populations; again using 593,124 Human Origins SNPs). Groups shown in blue
were projected onto axes computed using the other populations. HG, hunter-
gatherers. The grouping marked W-Cent. HG consists of Aka and Cameroon
hunter-gatherers (Baka, Bakola and Bedzan). The majority of the present-day
Cameroon individuals fall in a tight cluster near other West Africans and Bantu-
speakers. b, Relative allele sharing (mean ± s.e.m., multiplied by 10,000,
computed on 538,133 SNPs, as in Fig. 3b) with the Shum Laka individuals versus

East Africans (f 4 (X, Yoruba; Shum Laka, Somali); x axis) and versus Aka (f 4 (X,
Yoruba; Shum Laka, Aka); y axis) for present-day populations from Cameroon
(blue points) and southern and eastern Bantu-speakers (Herero in red and
Chewa in orange). The Mada and Fulani share more alleles with the Shum Laka
individuals than they do with the Aka, but this is probably a secondary
consequence of admixture from East or North African sources (as ref lected in
greater allele sharing with Somali individuals) (Supplementary Information
section 3). Bars show one s.e.m. in each direction.
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