Nature 2020 01 30 Part.01

(Ann) #1

Extended Data Fig. 6 | Deep ancestry correlation from the West African
clade. An allele-sharing statistic sensitive to ancestry that splits more deeply
than southern African hunter-gatherers (f 4 (X, Mursi; chimpanzee, ancient
South African hunter-gatherers), mean ± 2 s.e.m. from block jackknife,
computed on 1,121,119 SNPs, as in Fig. 3a) is shown as a function of ancestry

related to the West African clade (from admixture graph results; the Mota
individual, Yoruba and Lemande are shifted slightly away from the boundaries
for legibility). The (relative) allele-sharing rate for Mursi is zero according to the
definition of the statistic.
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