Nature 2020 01 30 Part.01

(Ann) #1

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Acknowledgements We thank O. Marie for focused ion beam machining the toroidal anvils
and the gasket holes. We are grateful to the SOLEIL director general, J. Daillant, for giving us
regular access to the infrared beamline over the past six years. The inputs of S. Lefrançois in
designing and assembling the horizontal infrared microscope and of the optics group at
SOLEIL in aligning the Schwarzschild objectives are appreciated. We thank F. Borondics and
F. Capitani for their assistance at the SMIS beamline.

Author contributions P.L. designed the project. P.L. and F.O. prepared and loaded the T-DAC.
P.D., F.O. and P.L. developed the infrared microscope. P.L., F.O. and P.D. conducted the
experiment and analysed the data. P.L. and P.D. wrote the manuscript. All authors discussed
the results.
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.L.
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