Nature 2020 01 30 Part.02

(Grace) #1


Code availability

Source code for the distogram, reference distogram and torsion
prediction neural networks, together with the neural network weights
and input data for the CASP13 targets are available for research and
non-commercial use at
research/tree/master/alphafold_casp13. We make use of several
open-source libraries to conduct our experiments, particularly
HHblits^36 , PSI-BLAST^37 and the machine-learning framework Tensor-
Flow ( along with the Ten-
sorFlow library Sonnet (, which
provides implementations of individual model components^50. We also
used Rosetta^9 under license.

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Acknowledgements We thank C. Meyer for assistance in preparing the paper; B. Coppin, O.
Vinyals, M. Barwinski, R. Sun, C. Elkin, P. Dolan, M. Lai and Y. Li for their contributions and
support; O. Ronneberger for reading the paper; the rest of the DeepMind team for their
support; the CASP13 organisers and the experimentalists whose structures enabled the
Author contributions R.E., J.J., J.K., L.S., A.W.S., C.Q., T.G., A.Ž., A.B., H.P. and K.S. designed and
built the AlphaFold system with advice from D.S., K.K. and D.H. D.T.J. provided advice and
guidance on protein structure prediction methodology. S.P. contributed to software
engineering. S.C., A.W.R.N., K.K. and D.H. managed the project. J.K., A.W.S., T.G., A.Ž., A.B., R.E.,
P.K. and J.J. analysed the CASP results for the paper. A.W.S. and J.K. wrote the paper with
contributions from J.J., R.E., L.S., T.G., A.B., A.Ž., D.T.J., P.K., K.K. and D.H. A.W.S. led the team.

Competing interests A.W.S., J.K., T.G., J.J., L.S., R.E., H.P., C.Q., K.S., A.Ž. and A.B. have filed
provisional patent applications relating to machine learning for predicting protein structures.
The remaining authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.W.S.
Peer review information Nature thanks Mohammed AlQuraishi and the other, anonymous,
reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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