Nature 2020 01 30 Part.02

(Grace) #1


i = (1, 2, 3 ... total genes), yi is the end position of the ith gene, i = (1, 2, 3 ...
total genes), Z is base position (1, 2, 3....yi − xi). For the average intensity
plot, the IP/input values of the normalized position (1,000 ORF, −500
upstream and +500 downstream) of each gene were aggregated using
median. For average gene density, the IP/input score was converted
into a categorical value of either 1 or 0 based on the threshold of 1.5
(≥1.5 is 1 and <1.5 is 0) of all the normalized positions (1,000 ORF, −500
upstream and +500 downstream) of each gene and aggregated using
the sum function. For visualization, average intensity and average gene
density were plotted with respect to normalized ORF position. The
points were smoothed using the generalized additive model (GAM)
to obtain a curve using ggplot2 R package.

RNA-seq data processing
The RNA-seq data from the IonTorrent proton instrument contains
approximately 25 million reads for each sample. The raw reads were
filtered on the basis of quality value (−q 20 and −p 30) using the FASTX
Toolkit. The filtered reads were aligned to the reference genome (Sac-
Cer 2011) using STAR aligner^51. Aligned BAM files were used for tran-
script quantification (FPKM) using RSEM^52. The gene sets were divided
into three equal categories (low, medium and high expression) accord-
ing to FPKM values and used to plot the supercoiling, protein and RNA–
DNA hybrid profile using the meta-gene calculation mentioned above.

Histone H3 ChIP-seq data processing
The ChIP-seq data from the IonTorrent proton instrument contain
approximately 15 million reads for each sample. The raw reads were
filtered on the basis of quality value (−q 20 and −p 30) using the FASTX
Toolkit. The filtered reads were aligned to the reference genome
(SacCer 2011) using TMAP aligner. The PCR duplicates were removed
from the aligned BAM files using PICARD tools. The BAM files were
sorted and indexed for the peak calling using SAMtools. The bedgraph
files were generated by comparing bam files of IP and input (IP read
coverage/input read coverage) resulting in a ratio for every base across
the whole genome using deepTools (bamCompare)^53. Finally, peak call-
ing was performed using the DANPOS (dpos) toolkit^54 with the IP/input
threshold 1.4 (−q 1.4) where the output peaks corresponds to the indi-
vidual nucleosome. The DANPOS was preferred over the MACS toolkit
for the dynamic nucleosome analysis at single-nucleotide resolution.

ChIA-PET data processing
ChIA-PET data contain approximately 10 million reads with a median
length of approximately 105 nucleotides. Raw reads were filtered on
the basis of quality value (−q 20 and −p 30) using the FASTX Toolkit.
The filtered reads were scanned for bridge linker (ACGCGATATCT-
mismatches using cutadapt. The reads containing the bridge linker
were aligned to the reference genome (SacCer 2011) using the bwa mem
module. PCR duplicates were removed using Picard Markduplicates
module. The aligned bam file was converted to a bed pair end interac-
tion file (bedpe) for cluster generation using bedtools (bamtobed)
module. PETs with less than 1 kb distance (self-ligation loops) were not
considered for the PET clustering. Individual PET interactions were
clustered by extending each PET by 500 bp and PETs that overlapped
at both ends were clustered together as a single PET cluster^27. PET
clusters with more than or equal to 2 were considered for meta-analysis.
WashU Epigenome Browser was used to visualize chromatin–chromatin

Tool kits
FASTX Toolkit:
TMAP Toolkit:
PICARD Toolkit:
BWA Toolkit:

Statistics and reproducibility
All experiments were carried out with two biological replicates. To test
the significance of the overlap between two replicates (supercoiling,
protein and hybrid peak calls), intersect and Fisher's exact test from
bedtools were used. For bedtools intersect, a minimum of 80% overlap
was expected for further downstream analysis such as meta-gene plot-
ting. The number of overlap peaks and sum of overlap bases between
two sets of intervals from bedtools were visualized using VennDiagram
library from R. Protein-coding genes (n = 6,706) from SacCer 2011 were
used for meta-gene plotting.

Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature
Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.

Data availability
All raw and processed data are available at the Gene Expression
Omnibus (GEO) under the following accession numbers: GSE114410
(bTMP, RNA–DNA hybrids, Top1 protein ChIP-on-chip and RPB3 pro-
tein ChIP-on-chip); GSE114444 (RNA-seq, H3 ChIP-seq and ChIA-PET);
GSE16258^47 (Top2 protein ChIP-chip, Hmo1 protein ChIP-chip and RPB3
protein ChIP-chip).

Code availability
All the custom-made scripts used for this study are available in the
GitHub repository at

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Acknowledgements We thank J. Roca for sharing TopA-expressing plasmids, and M. Bianchi,
G. Liberi and all our laboratory members for discussions. We thank Cogentech and C. Valli,
M. Riboni and S. Minardi for microarray and DNA sequencing. Research was supported by grants
from the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC), the European Union, MIUR,
Worldwide Cancer Research, and Telethon-Italy to M.F. Y.J.A. is supported by the European
Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 246549 – Train 2009.
N.G. is funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/J00913X/1; MC_UU_00007/13).
Author contributions Y.J.A. and M.F. designed the experiments, interpreted results and
prepared the manuscript. Y.J.A. and M.A. performed the experiments. M.A. performed
statistical and computational analysis. R.C. provided technical input and N.G. provided bTMP
and technical input for supercoil analysis.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.J.A. or M.F.
Peer review information Nature thanks Duncan Clarke, Anne Grove and the other, anonymous,
reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Reprints and permissions information is available at
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