28 Ë The Russo-Japanese War
Fig. 2.11.Participants in the founding conference of the Georgian Party of Socialist Federalists,
Geneva, April 1904. Dekanozishvili lying in the center. Sitting from left: Artshil Dzhordzhadze and
Mikheil (Mikhako) Tsereteli. Standing from left: Aleksandre (Sandro) Gabunia, Komando Gogelia
and Varlam Cherkezishivili (Cherkezov).
independent Georgia in 1918.) The conference adopted a resolution announcing the
ocial creation of a new Georgian Revolutionary Party of Socialist Federalists on the
basis of the Socialist Revolutionaries, anarchists, and the Sakartvelo group who were
present, and the journalSakartvelobecame its ocial organ.³⁶The conference further
adopted a resolution emphasizing the necessity to combat not only the Russian autoc-
ference, they declared that their party regarded the struggle against the government as a task of the en-
tire country, independent of “local interests and the question of nationalities” (see CHAN, F/7/12521).
In return, members of the conference criticized the Social Democrats for ignoring the question of na-
tionalities. See GSCHA, f. 94, op. 1, d. 70, ll. 52–52ob.
36 Seeokmebi kartvel revolutsionerta pirveli konperentsiisa, 3-4; “Congres des révolutionnaires
géorgiens.”Géorgie, politique et sociale1904, no. 8, 6.