The Eurasian Triangle. Russia, the Caucasus and Japan, 1904-1945

(WallPaper) #1

The Akashi Operations Ë 43

Fig. 2.17.SteamshipSiriustin container of registration documents.

new captain, Leendert Groendijk.⁹⁰On 2 November theSiriusjourneyed to Marseille,

where additional weapons and political literature were loaded, necessary repair work

90 Cornelissen spoke of “the captain, the brave Leendert Groendijk from Terschelling [an island in
The Netherlands].” See “Personal Memoirs by Christiaan Cornelissen,” p. 334. Armstrong,Unending
Battle, 48–52, states that this change of command took place in Valetta and that van Oppen was
arrested and the crew who stayed on were promised generous remuneration. On 24 October 1905,
Dekanozishvili noted that a day earlier, Cornelissen had left for Sète to which theSiriuswas also jour-
neying. See Nozadze, “gardasrul zhamta ambavni da sakmeni,” 121. According to theSiriuslog, the
boat arrived in Sète on 28 October. See “Stoom-Journaal van het Stoomschip Sirius,” 4. Other sources
indicate that Cornelissen and the two Dutchmen were dispatched to Marseille where the crew change
took place.

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