The Eurasian Triangle. Russia, the Caucasus and Japan, 1904-1945

(WallPaper) #1

54 Ë A Lull

Fig. 3.1.Nestor Magalashvili, Tiflis, 1906.

new manifestation of Russian political organization.” In January 1906, however, these

“self-governing communes” were brutally destroyed by Russian troops and Cossacks.⁶

The commander leading this military operation, General M. Alikhanov-Avarskii,

known for his savagery (“Bloody Alikhanov”), was subsequently interviewed by

American journalist Kellogg Durland (1881–1911), who visited Kutaisi soon after the

event. Durland asked the general point-blank:

Your Excellency, I have come to you on a strange errand. I have heard worse stories about you
than I have ever heard about any living human being. As an American I do not wish to repeat
these stories to my countrymen, if they are not true. On the other hand, if they are true, I want to
hear your side of the case, your justication – if such there be.

The general asked Durland what stories he had heard, to which Durland responded:

“The people of this province,” I replied, “tell me that your soldiers are burning the homes of
the people indiscriminately at your order, – the homes of people against whom there is no legal

6 Quotations in this paragraph are from David Marshall Lang,A Modern History of Soviet Georgia(New
York: Grove Press, 1962), 167–68 andRevoliutsiia 1905–07 gg v Gruzii. Sbornik dokumentov(Tbilisi:
Sakhelgami, 1956), 347.

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