Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker
178 CHAPTER SIX fabric of human society in general and of his own audience in par ticular. Maimonides is a sharp observer of hum ...
“FROM MOSES TO MOSES” 179 sophic.^87 Perhaps the most striking parallel is found in Guide 3.51, which Maimonides introduces as a ...
180 CHAPTER SIX Although in the Guide Maimonides never deals expressly with the res- urrection,Guide 1.42, discussing the meanin ...
“FROM MOSES TO MOSES” 181 harm in that. There are worse things regarding which people are ig- norant, without their ignorance be ...
182 CHAPTER SIX however, plays a double game: he skirts the article of faith and at the same time consolidates it. By Maimonides ...
“FROM MOSES TO MOSES” 183 only reiterate his position: the resurrection of the dead is an article of faith, nothing less, nothin ...
184 CHAPTER SIX satisfaction of phi losopher and king alike. When a discordant tone of alienation is discovered in the phi losop ...
“FROM MOSES TO MOSES” 185 Tufayl, Andalusian phi losophers like himself, in whose writings the more pessimistic, or perhaps real ...
186 CHAPTER SIX World’ (Gen. 21:35).”^109 Abraham had to suffer the violent reaction of his contemporaries, and he was rewarded ...
“FROM MOSES TO MOSES” 187 Maimonides makes room for the phi losopher’s withdrawal as central to his theory of the ideal state. E ...
188 CHAPTER SIX “to discover prized words.”^117 The career and literary output of Mai- monides record the incessant move of his ...
Conclusion The preceding pageswere dedicated to one major medieval thinker, Moses Maimonides, and to the examination of his thou ...
190 CONCLUSION infl uence.”^1 Pines, on the other hand, states that in this period, “in the sphere of philosophical literature.. ...
CONCLUSION 191 the often seamless resulting synthesis could not have been achieved had he been a lone venturer. Maimonides honed ...
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BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources Abu Bakr al- Razi,Rasail Falsafi yya, ed. P. Kraus. Cairo, 1939; reprinted Beirut: Dar al-afaq al- ...
194 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ibn al- Qalanisi.Dhayl tarih Dimashq, ed. H. F. Amedroz. Leiden, 1908. Ibn al- Qifti.Tarikh al-hukama, ed. I ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY 195 Rabbi Yehuda Halevi, The Kuzari: In Defense of the Despised Faith, translated by N. Daniel Korobkin. Northvale, ...
Asín Palacios, M. “Le sens du mot ‘tahafot’ dans les œuvres d’el- Ghazali et d’Averröes,” Revue Africaine 261– 62 (1906), reprin ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY 197 ———. “Saadia Gaon’s Ten Articles of Faith,” Daat 37 (1996): 11– 26. ———. “Between Ananites and Karaites: Observ ...
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