Vision 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1

Living in Bangkok’s for over 15 years, pho-
tography has opened my eyes to a much
wider vista as I travel and work around the
region. Building the skills to match the
eye and produce images that delight, (if
only me") has been a continuous upward
learning curve. Mentoring, encouragement
and critique have all been received grate-
fully from Dennie and DK over the years
and all have shaped and built my love of
being able to ‘see’ an image and then get
close to actually ‘creating’ it" I am shift-
ing from DSLR to iPhone, more because
that’s what’s always to hand, and realizing
there’s a whole new world out there for
embracing and learning"

Jacqui Cuthbertson

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