Loreto ^121
New Year’s Day was spent in Loreto, considered the oldest human
settlement on the Baja Peninsula.
Loreto – Puerto Escondido - 35km
Getting underway was past 11:00 after searching for an ATM. Shortly
afterwards, a sign pointed to Puerto Escondido, which had a fancy
harbour with even more fancy boats anchored in the bay. Searching
for a suitable spot to pitch the tents, we enquired at the single hotel.
They pointed to their lawn and proudly pointed out they had Wi-Fi
and a swimming pool. The Wi-Fi was handy, but the weather was too
cold to swim.
Puerto Escondido – Ciudad Insurgentes - 98km
The road veered inland over the mountains that weren’t as bad as
anticipated. The terrain was undulating for the first 50 kilometres.
After that, the route beat a dead-straight path through the cacti.
Ciudad Insurgentes came with a guesthouse which made it
convenient overnighting.