055 Cycle Touring Mexico

(Leana) #1

Ciudad Obregon 133
We spent the day in Obregon, did our laundry, and lazed around, not
doing much but enjoying the luxury of a comfortable room.

I do not care much for trinkets and mascots, naming my bicycle, or
collecting stones and shells. However, the previous night, a little girl
came out of nowhere, presented me with a hand-drawn card, and
said it was for good luck. She was no more than six or seven and I’m
not sure where she came from or where she disappeared to
afterwards, but the card lived in my handlebar bag a long time after

Ciudad Obregon – Vicam - 53km

We dragged our heels in packing up and it was late by the time we
cycled the short distance to Vicam. The road beat a dead-straight
path through the Sonoran Desert, and once in tiny Vicam, I decided
to stay put. Ernest, as always, wanted to continue and was welcome
to do so, but I wasn’t going anywhere. I'm such a miserable sod
when cold!

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