Cancun – Chemax - 136km ^17
From Cancun, I set out west across the Yucatan Peninsula towards
Merida. Here settlements inhabited by Mayan descendants peppered
the road.
My destination of the day was Chemax, a tiny Mayan town and, as
could be expected, I stuck out like a sore thumb. People pointed,
laughed and gawked. Finding digs, I was sure the entire place knew
my whereabouts and I was happy with a door to close and be out of
the public eye. The room was as bare-boned as it comes, apart from
1000s of mosquitos and evidence of the previous occupants still
clearly visible. Fortunately, almost all accommodation types usually
provide a shower and there’s nothing quite like a shower following a
long, hot day of cycling.
Afterwards, I gave the room a liberal spray of mosquito repellent and
went in search of beer and tacos. Once more, I had the distinct
feeling that the entire village knew what I had for supper.