(^18) Chemax – Piste - 80km
An effortless ride took me to Piste, past a few hamlets, tequila
factories, and the usual agave plantations. In the heat of the day,
these settlements seemed desolate as Mexicans took their siesta
seriously. Even stray dogs were too sleepy to give chase. Eventually,
it took waking the shop owner from his midday hammock slumber to
get a cold drink.
In Piste, a room at The Piramide Inn suited me fine. Stepping out, I
came upon Ernest camping next to a dilapidated building and was
happy with my accommodation at the inn.
Piste was home to the famed ruins of Chichen Itza with its imposing
El Castillo. The pyramid was designed to represent the Mayan
calendar. Its four sides contain 365 steps (depicting their solar year),
52 panels (each year in the Mayan century, as well as each week in
the solar year) and 18 terraces (the 18 months in the religious year).