055 Cycle Touring Mexico

(Leana) #1

(^36) Campeche – Champoton - 67km

From Campeche, a beautiful ride took us to Champoton, a route that
ran over hills and next to the ocean. As usual, three kilometres from
Champoton, the heavens opened, and rain came gushing down.
Pedalling into Champoton was amidst thunder, lightning and pouring

The first guesthouse had to do, and the owner followed us, mop in
hand. The coastal region around Champoton is shallow and famous
for cheap and plentiful shrimp cocktails from mobile stands. No
sooner had the rain abated than these vendors reappeared.
Champoton – Sabancuy - 71km

In the morning, a pleasurable amble along the coast, past more
shrimp cocktail sellers, along a road built flush next to the shore, led
to Sanbancuy. Pelicans soared high above and then dove down
sharply in search of food.

Early afternoon, a community on the far side of a large lake grabbed
our attention and made us turn in. Sanbancuy was a typical Mexican
village with an old church, plaza, street vendors, shops, and even a

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