055 Cycle Touring Mexico

(Leana) #1

(^56) Bochil – Chiapa de Corzo - 70km

From Bochil our path continued 12 kilometres straight up and down
into a valley, setting the scene for the rest of the day. Finally, the
route reached a high point from where it descended into Chiapa de
Corzo. We flew down the mountain via switchbacks, passing
cascading waterfalls that sprayed us with a fine mist. The speeds we
reached were fast enough to make me worry about hitting potholes
or getting a blowout. Mercifully, that never happened.
Chiapa de Corzo was a fascinating old colonial village sporting a long
history. The next day, a boat ride took me along the Canon del
Sumidero. In this spectacular canyon, cliffs soar above the River
Grijalva, past equally spectacular waterfalls cascading down cliffs.
The ride offered stunning gorge views while spotting crocodiles,
monkeys and plenty of birdlife. The Sumidero Canyon was narrow
and deep and surrounded by a national park. I read the canyon’s
creation began around the same time as the Grand Canyon in the US,
formed by a crack in the area’s crust and erosion by the Grijalva

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