(^72) Marquelia – San Marcos - 81km
It was an uneventful day, apart from the heat. We headed along the
usual undulating road to San Marcos, where a room around a pool
was exactly what we needed.
San Marcos – Acapulco - 86km
Another sweltering day made even the beautiful wildflowers fade. The
way into Acapulco was far more challenging than we had anticipated
as our path climbed steeply up the mountain and then descended into
Acapulco’s magnificent bay. Once in the city, finding accommodation
was easy as there were masses of hotels one could pick from. Being
low season, nearly all places offered good deals.
To avoid getting stuck in the northern hemisphere’s inhospitable
weather, I decided to visit South Africa. I was pretty excited about
doing something different and started organising to store my stuff
until my return. However, the flight would be a long two days of
travel, something I wasn’t looking forward to.
Enough time remained to see the famous cliff divers of Acapulco. Not
only did they plummet from an amazing height into a narrow channel
but had to time the dive with the incoming waves, as the channel
wasn’t very deep. Reaching the top of the cliff was another challenge,
as divers had to swim across the channel and then, like geckos,
scramble to the top, where they asked for protection at a shrine,
which I assumed could only be from the Diving Gods.