Mazatlán – La Cruz de Elota - 108km ^97
From Mazatlán, a hundred-and-ten-kilometre ride led to La Cruz de
Elota. In the process, the road, sadly, crossed the Tropic of Cancer
meaning I was officially out of the tropics.
North of Mazatlán were countless shrimping communities where men
headed out in the early evening and returned at dawn with nets
I could feel a cold coming on, and we stayed the following day. Ernest
spent the day fixing his bags and sewing clothes that needed
La Cruz de Elota – Obispo - 58km
The route north was pancake flat as we biked past large vegetable
plantations. Tomatoes are one of Mexico’s native plants that are
essential to many countries’ cuisine. Growers in Sinaloa are the
primary producers and exporters of fresh tomatoes, and vehicle
number plates even depict a tomato.
En route were hardly any villages or shops to fill water bottles and we
turned into Obispo to do the necessary. However, the people were so
friendly we decided to stay the night.